Flanders Dental Studio

Bleeding Gums

If your gums bleed easily when you brush and floss, you’re experiencing one of the most common symptoms of gum disease.

A progressive condition, gum disease is characterized by infection of the gum tissues. When plaque, the sticky film found on your teeth after eating and drinking, is left to harden into tartar, it releases bacteria that irritate the gums. The resulting infection and inflammation are what cause your gums to bleed easily and appear red and swollen. Over time, your gums will recede and pull away from your teeth, creating more space for bacteria and tartar to reside. If you have bleeding gums, reach out to us right away.

It’s critical to your oral health and physical well-being that you seek treatment at the first sign of swollen bleeding gums, especially if you’re also experiencing bad breath, receding gums, and loose or sensitive teeth.

The Health Consequences of Oral Disease

Unfortunately, gum disease cannot be cured once it passes the first stage of gingivitis. It also becomes increasingly dangerous as it progresses. Gum disease that reaches the stage of periodontitis causes irreversible damage to your oral structures, including gum tissue and bone. Advanced stages of gum disease are linked to systemic health complications, including diabetes, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, and even heart attack and stroke. As your body struggles to control the chronic low-grade infection of gum disease, the health of your immune system becomes compromised, making you more susceptible to other dangerous infections and viruses. You may find it increasingly difficult to control pre-existing medical conditions. With painful, loose teeth, biting, and chewing food may no longer be possible and you may need to alter your diet. In fact, you may find yourself with missing teeth one day if it’s left untreated.

Treatment for Every Stage of Gum Disease

Though only gingivitis can be cured, there are many procedures available that can treat and monitor your gum disease. Both surgical and non-surgical, treatments are designed to provide a healthy oral environment that lowers the chances of infection returning in the future. Our team will determine if you need one or more of the following treatments once you have been evaluated:

Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is the only non-surgical treatment option and is often the first line of defense against gum disease. This procedure involves using a dental scaler to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth, both above and below the gumline. Then roughness on the teeth is smoothed with root planing to discourage bacteria from gathering and to help healthy gums reattach to the tooth roots.


If gum tissue has been damaged by gum disease, but no infection has yet harmed the bone, a gingivectomy may be needed. During this procedure, infected gum tissue that has pulled away from the teeth is trimmed and removed from around the tooth roots. Once the area is cleared of bacteria and plaque, the healthy gums are sutured back around the teeth. This promotes healthy tissue reattachment and reduction of periodontal pocket depth.

Osseous (Flap) Surgery

When scaling and root planing is not successful at eradicating bacteria and infection, osseous surgery is needed. Also known as pocket reduction, osseous surgery involves folding back the gum tissue so bacteria and tartar can be removed from the deep periodontal pockets around the teeth. Damaged bone can also be reshaped and smoothed before healthy gums are sutured back in place.

Periodontal Maintenance

After gum disease treatment is complete, periodontal maintenance is needed to ensure that infection does not develop in the periodontal pockets again. This treatment is completed every 3-4 months in place of normal hygiene teeth cleanings. During the procedure, the teeth are “deep” cleaned at and below the gumline, and periodontal pockets are cleared of bacterial plaque and tartar. Your gums will also be evaluated for their pocket depth and signs of bleeding or more infection.

Arestin Treatment

Gum disease, characterized by inflammation and infection of the gum tissues, can jeopardize both your oral health and overall well-being if left untreated. Fortunately, Arestin offers a targeted and effective approach to combatting periodontal disease and promoting gum health. Arestin is a locally administered antibiotic treatment that targets the bacteria responsible for gum infections, penetrating deep into the gum pockets where traditional cleaning methods may not reach. By delivering powerful antimicrobial agents directly to the source of infection, Arestin helps to eliminate bacteria and reduce inflammation, supporting the healing process and preventing the progression of gum disease. Our experienced dental team may recommend Arestin as part of a comprehensive periodontal therapy plan tailored to your individual needs. With Arestin, you can take proactive steps towards preserving the health and vitality of your gums, ensuring a strong foundation for your beautiful smile.